Effects of Juxtaposition of a Conventional Farm to an Organic Farm

A picture showing a drone water a plantation on the right and a farmer harvest crops by hand from the ground and out them in the crate beside him. The photo is used by Ambokili Farm as a symbol to show the effects of juxtaposition of a conventional farm to an organic farm

The juxtaposition of conventional farming next to an organic farm raises pertinent questions about the impact of such practices on organic farming and the surrounding environment. To delve into this issue, let us explore the potential ramifications in depth. 1. Pesticide Drift One of the most immediate concerns is pesticide drift. Conventional farming often relies […]

Secrets of Water Conservation in Semi-Arid Areas

A picture of a metallic tap with a blue pipe and red knob for opening and closing. The picture is being used by Ambokili Farm to symbolise the need for water conservation especially in semi-arid regions.

In the semi-arid regions, such as Kimana, Kajiado where Ambokili Farm is located, water is as elusive as it is essential; a precious commodity. Our semi-arid environments present unique challenges. Here, rain is a fleeting visitor. Rainfall is scarce, and evaporation rates are high. Here, every drop of water is a treasure, a lifeline that […]

Is all clear water good?

A picture of a water water body with a droplet hitting the water surface and creating a ripple. The picture has the words, "Is all clear water good?" at the centre.

Imagine stepping up to a sparkling stream, the water so clear you can see the pebbles at its bed. It’s a picture-perfect scene. Clean water, by popular definition, is water that is free from visible contaminants. Yet, what lurks beneath the surface of clear water? Chemicals, microorganisms, heavy metals…? Let’s delve deeper into this seemingly […]

Agroforestry’s Role in Reviving Kimana’s Landscapes

A picture with 3 trees and grass beneath and graphics of the word 'agroforestry' spread centre, centre in a semi-circle.

By marrying traditional farming with the strategic planting of over 500 tree species, Ambokili Farm is breathing life back into the earth, turning degraded lands into thriving ecosystems. This agricultural method, which integrates trees and shrubs into crop and livestock systems, is more than just planting trees among crops. It’s about creating a symbiotic relationship […]

Building Soil Health

Cracked soil with plant germinating from it in a small patch of water to show the need of building soil health

Healthy soil supports diverse plant and animal life, conserves water, and helps create resilient ecosystems capable of self-regeneration thus contributing to organic permaculture. At our organic farm, we’re committed to growing healthy food for you, while nurturing a healthy planet. A key element in achieving both is building strong, vibrant soil. But what exactly does […]

How can NGOs prioritise diversity and inclusion?

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It's not a trend, it's a way of life

How can we truly advocate for positive change if our own organisations don’t reflect the diversity of the communities we serve? Prioritising Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) isn’t just a box to tick – it’s a fundamental step towards achieving impactful, sustainable social change. Understanding Diversity and Inclusion Diversity and inclusion are often used interchangeably […]

What Role Do Non-profits Play in Promoting Social Justice?

Social justice, a foundational pillar for equitable and fair societies, hinges on the eradication of disparities and the empowerment of marginalised communities. The emergence of non-profit organisations has significantly supported the movement towards achieving social justice by addressing the multifaceted layers of inequality and injustice.  But how exactly do non-profits contribute to the pursuit of […]

Beyond the Plate, Beyond the Farm: How Ambokili Farm is Eradicating Poverty Through Women

Image shows women at Ambokili Farm recieving training from one of the local banks on financial literacy and access to financial services. This is a women project aimed at eradicating poverty through women.

In the heart of semi-arid terrains, where the sun beats down relentlessly and resources are scarce, Ambokili Farm stands as an agent for transformation. Through a commitment to organic permaculture, environmental conservation, and community development, Ambokili Farm is not only cultivating sustainable, biodiverse ecosystems but also empowering the women who form the backbone of our […]