The Crucial Role of Pollinators in Organic Farming

A photo of a beehive at Ambokili Farm- Housing one of the world's greatest pollinators- bees.

Pollinators are fundamental to the success of organic farming, not only aiding in the production of a wide array of crops but also promoting biodiversity and ecosystem health. These creatures, including bees, butterflies, birds, and bats, are responsible for transferring pollen from one flower to another, thus facilitating the reproductive process of plants. This natural […]

Avocado Trees Care Practices in Semi-Arid Regions

A photo collage with different avocados, some whole some cut and some avocado trees.

Avocado trees, known for their lush, nutrient-rich fruit, can thrive even in semi-arid climates when given proper care. Ambokili Farm, a leader in transforming challenging terrains into flourishing organic ecosystems, employs specific techniques to cultivate these valuable trees. This blog details the best practices for avocado tree care in semi-arid regions, drawing on Ambokili Farm’s […]

GMOs in Agriculture Remain a Critical and Widely Debated Topic. Why?

A photo of 2 maize cobs with the upper maize cob spelling GMOs from rotten maize grains

The concept and application of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture has fundamentally changed how crops are cultivated across the globe. The groundwork for GMO technology was laid when Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen created the first genetically engineered (recombinant) DNA. In 1982, the first GMO approved for commercial use was Humulin, insulin produced by genetically […]

Ambokili Farm’s Guide to a Balanced, Plant-Based Diet That Lowers Carbon Footprint

A photo collage of variety of fruits and vegetables to symbolise: Ambokili Farm's Guide to a Balanced, Plant-Based Diet That Lowers Carbon Footprint

The impact of our dietary choices on the environment is crucial in an age where sustainability is more than a buzzword. At Ambokili, the mission is not just to farm but to transform the land into self-sustaining ecosystems that enrich both the environment and the communities around them. By transforming barren landscapes into self-sustaining, biodiverse […]

Nutritional Security: The Unseen Wealth of Organic Produce

A pictue showing different varieties of seeds and cereals showing how Ambokili Farm is contributing to nutritional security and how organic produce is superior in terms of nutrition

Approximately 2.4 billion individuals, largely women and residents of rural areas, did not have consistent access to nutritious, safe, and sufficient food in 2022. Child malnutrition is still alarmingly high. In 2021, 22.3% (148.1 million) children were stunted, 6.8% (45 million) were wasted, and 5.6% (37 million) were overweight. The global nutritional status, as reported […]

The Power of Organic Produce: Disease Prevention

A photo of sprouting plants at Ambokili Farm to symbolise their message on the power of organic foods in disease prevention

In a world where chronic diseases are on the rise, the quest for sustainable solutions has never been more urgent. At the heart of this search lies a simple, yet profoundly transformative approach: nurturing healthy food. Ambokili Farm, located in the semi-arid lands of Kimana, Kajiado County, Kenya, a testament to the power of organic […]