Adapting to Climate Change: Essential Strategies for Sustainable Farming in ASAL Areas

A productive, green field at Ambokili Farm showing the results of their climate action and the positive effect on the environment. The picture is a symbol of the positive results of adapting to climate change.

Previous image Next image Climate change is an ever-present challenge, particularly in arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) like Kimana. The shifting climate patterns pose significant risks to agricultural productivity and food security. From erratic rainfall patterns to rising temperatures, these shifts pose a significant threat to traditional farming practices, especially in vulnerable semi-arid regions. At […]

Combating Soil Erosion: Essential Strategies for ASAL Areas

Vetiver grass used in combating soil erosion at Ambokili Farm which is in an ASAL area

Previous image Next image Soil erosion is a significant challenge in arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) like Kimana. This isn’t just about a dusty landscape. This natural process, exacerbated by human activities and climatic conditions, can lead to decreased agricultural productivity, loss of fertile topsoil, and environmental degradation. At Ambokili Farm, we recognise the importance […]

The Environmental Impact of Proper Waste Management

A picture of banana peels being fed to the red earthworms at Ambokili Farm to create manure. This is part of recycling and reusing waste. The picture is a symbolism of the positive environmental impacts of proper waste management.

Previous image Next image The world produces around 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste annually. By 2050, this figure is projected to increase to 3.4 billion tonnes. Approximately 33% of this waste is not managed in an environmentally safe manner, leading to severe ecological consequences. Over 2.7 billion people, mainly in developing regions, lack […]

The Lifeline of ASAL Agriculture: Irrigation Systems

A picture of the drip irrigation system at Ambokili Farm

In arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) like Kimana, the success of agricultural activities heavily relies on effective irrigation systems due to unreliable rainfall. These systems play a crucial role in ensuring that crops receive the necessary water to grow, especially in regions where rainfall is scarce and unpredictable. It is important to understand the importance […]

🌾🌿Crop Selection for ASAL Regions: A Guide from Ambokili Farm

A picture of a farmer at Ambokili Farm in the groundnuts field. The picture is symbolic of the crops that do well in ASAL areas, Ambokili Farm being a case study. Crop Selection for ASAL Regions: A Guide from Ambokili Farm Sorghum: Highly drought tolerant and versatile for food, fodder, and industrial use. * Millet: Drought-resistant with high nutritional value. * Groundnuts: Improve soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. * Watermelon: Heat-tolerant with high market demand. * Dragon Fruit: Thrives in hot, dry climates with high nutritional and market value. * Onions: Adaptable to various soils and require minimal water. * Tomatoes: Thrive with efficient irrigation and high market demand. * Beans: Improve soil fertility and can be intercropped with cereals.

We work in Kimana, Kajiado, Kenya to help the local community restore semi-arid land through organic farming to reverse environmental degradation. One of the most critical components of successful farming in Arid and Semi-arid Areas (ASAL) is selecting the right crops. Understanding ASAL Conditions Arid and semi-arid lands are characterized by low rainfall, high temperatures, […]

Are Bees Under Threat? The Decline of Bee Population

An image of crowded beehive with the words, "Are bees under threat? -The decline in bee population."

The decline of bee population poses a significant threat to global ecosystems and agriculture. Bees, as primary pollinators, are indispensable for the reproduction of many plant species, including crucial agricultural crops. This decline isn’t just a threat to these fascinating insects; it jeopardizes the very foundation of our food system. But fear not, for within […]

The Buzz About Bees

Role of bees in agriculture and the ecosystem Imagine a world devoid of vibrant fruits, crisp vegetables, and the satisfying crunch of nuts. Bleak, right? Bees, often undervalued in their quiet industriousness, are pivotal to both our ecosystems and agriculture. Their role as pollinators extends far beyond the production of honey; they are integral to the health and sustainability of many of […]

Celebrating World Bee Day: Why World Bee Day Matters

A picture of a bee pollinating a yellow flower. The picture has the words: Why World Bee Day?" at the top.

At Ambokili Farm, we deeply understand the essential role that bees and other pollinators play in maintaining the health of our planet and ensuring the sustainability of our agricultural practices. Every year, on May 20th, we join the global community in celebrating World Bee Day. This observance not only honors these incredible creatures but also […]

Bee Venom: Ambokili Farm’s Latest Milestone in Sustainable Biodiversity

A picture of the botanist evaluating beehives at Ambokili Farm. The picture illustrates the presence of bees at Ambokili Farm which is essential for the bee venom discussion as well as harvesting.

Honeybees are renowned for their golden nectar and their crucial role in pollination, but their sting also packs a surprising punch – medicinal one, that is. Another remarkable aspect of bees that’s been garnering attention. Here at Ambokili Farm, we recently welcomed a new buzzing contingent to our 7 hives and we’re not only interested […]

Can you Have Good Mental Health with Inadequate Food and Poor Nutrition

A picture of a male worker at Ambokili Farm inspecting a maize stalk in the field. It is a symbol of how food and nutrition contribute to good mental health.

As May dawns upon us, casting a spotlight on mental health awareness, we are compelled to ponder a fundamental question: Can one truly attain good mental health amidst inadequate food and poor nutrition? The answer, rooted in science and experience, resonates with clarity – the nourishment of the mind is inexorably entwined with the sustenance […]