🌾🌿Crop Selection for ASAL Regions: A Guide from Ambokili Farm

A picture of a farmer at Ambokili Farm in the groundnuts field. The picture is symbolic of the crops that do well in ASAL areas, Ambokili Farm being a case study. Crop Selection for ASAL Regions: A Guide from Ambokili Farm Sorghum: Highly drought tolerant and versatile for food, fodder, and industrial use. * Millet: Drought-resistant with high nutritional value. * Groundnuts: Improve soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. * Watermelon: Heat-tolerant with high market demand. * Dragon Fruit: Thrives in hot, dry climates with high nutritional and market value. * Onions: Adaptable to various soils and require minimal water. * Tomatoes: Thrive with efficient irrigation and high market demand. * Beans: Improve soil fertility and can be intercropped with cereals.

We work in Kimana, Kajiado, Kenya to help the local community restore semi-arid land through organic farming to reverse environmental degradation. One of the most critical components of successful farming in Arid and Semi-arid Areas (ASAL) is selecting the right crops. Understanding ASAL Conditions Arid and semi-arid lands are characterized by low rainfall, high temperatures, […]

The Essential Role of Irrigation Systems in ASAL Areas: A Case for Ambokili Farm

A Photo by Ambokili Farm that shows women fetching water and explains the need for an irrigation system

In the harsh and unforgiving landscapes of arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs), water is a precious commodity. The success of agricultural ventures in these regions hinges on effective water management, and irrigation systems play a pivotal role in this. Without irrigation, farming in ASAL areas is nearly impossible, as the soil quickly dries out, and […]

Waste Management at Ambokili Farm: Pioneering Sustainable Solutions Through a Biodigester

Biodigester. A graphic with the words: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. The words are to symbolise the impact and use of a biodigester in waste management and resource conservation.

This isn’t just about keeping our farm clean (although that’s important too!), it’s about tackling some of the biggest challenges facing our planet: pollution, climate change, and land degradation. At Ambokili Farm, we are committed to transforming semi-arid terrain into self-sustaining, biodiverse ecosystems. Our holistic approach to waste management plays a significant role in this […]

Dry, Barren, and Often Unforgiving— The Challenges Communities in ASAL Areas Face

Bare land in Ambokili Farm, Kimana, Kajiado County, Kenya.

Previous image Next image ASALs make up about 41% of the world’s land area, affecting approximately two billion people globally. According to the United Nations, these lands cover approximately 6.5 billion hectares worldwide. Despite their vastness, these regions are particularly fragile due to erratic rainfall patterns and consistently high temperatures, making them hotspots for drought […]

Can you Have Good Mental Health with Inadequate Food and Poor Nutrition

A picture of a male worker at Ambokili Farm inspecting a maize stalk in the field. It is a symbol of how food and nutrition contribute to good mental health.

As May dawns upon us, casting a spotlight on mental health awareness, we are compelled to ponder a fundamental question: Can one truly attain good mental health amidst inadequate food and poor nutrition? The answer, rooted in science and experience, resonates with clarity – the nourishment of the mind is inexorably entwined with the sustenance […]

Employee well-being: Transforming Lives Inside Out

A picture of 2 women workers on Ambokili Farm smiling holding watering cans. It illustrates their happiness when working and demonstrates how Ambokili Farm is truly investing in Employee well-being

How does an organisation dedicated to making a difference ensure its own people are cared for? How is Ambokili Farm redefining workplace wellness and ensuring employees thrive alongside the communities they serve?  At Ambokili Farm, nestled in a challenging semi-arid region, we’ve revolutionised the concept of employee well-being. Our holistic approach ensures that the welfare […]

Cultivating Economic Prosperity: How Ambokili Farm is Contributing to SDG No.8

The global economic landscape is woven with both opportunity and disparity. Despite advancements, the harsh reality is that millions grapple with unemployment, and the gender pay gap remains a persistent stain. In the face of persistent unemployment, particularly amongst youth and women, and the ever-present struggle for equal pay for equal work, organisations like Ambokili […]