No tillage

Soil health Conservation Through No Tillage Our decision to forgo traditional tillage practices stems from a deep-seated understanding of soil dynamics. Tilling disrupts the soil’s natural composition, leading to erosion, compaction, and loss of valuable nutrients. Moreover, it disturbs the intricate web of soil microorganisms essential for nutrient cycling and plant health. No-tillage, on the […]


tree planting

When we planted 500 trees at Ambokili Farm it was more than just a number. Trees: The Mighty Water Sippers Trees are nature’s giants, and like any living organism, they require water to thrive. From their roots to their leaves, trees continuously draw in water to support essential functions like photosynthesis and nutrient transportation. It’s […]

Ambokili Farm Impact Report 2022/20233

Ambokili Farm Impact Report 2022/2023: A Holistic Analysis of Creating Biodiverse, Sustainable Ecosystems through Organic Permaculture, Environmental Conservation, and Community development. Abstract This report evaluates Ambokili Farm’s impact on environmental sustainability and conservation, biodiversity, and community development. The findings underscore the positive outcomes in terms of chemical reduction, biodiversity increase, soil health enhancement, job creation, […]


What is Permaculture? Natures cheat code Permaculture, short for “permanent agriculture” and “permanent culture.” It’s where we learn from natural patterns and mimic them, like building terraces that slow down rain just like hills do, or planting nitrogen-fixing beans to enrich the soil like nature’s own fertiliser factory. It’s a sustainable way of living where […]

How We Transformed Over 9 Acres of Damaged Wasteland into Green, Fertile Land 


In 2022, we started Ambokili Farm on a dust-laden, semi-arid landscape in Kimana town. The land was damaged, with gullies as deep as 2 meters and sheet erosion that had stripped the soil bare. From Barren to Burgeoning: Creating change one seed at a time There was deep gulley erosion ranging from 1-2m deep and […]