The Buzz About Bees

Role of bees in agriculture and the ecosystem Imagine a world devoid of vibrant fruits, crisp vegetables, and the satisfying crunch of nuts. Bleak, right? Bees, often undervalued in their quiet industriousness, are pivotal to both our ecosystems and agriculture. Their role as pollinators extends far beyond the production of honey; they are integral to the health and sustainability of many of […]

Celebrating World Bee Day: Why World Bee Day Matters

A picture of a bee pollinating a yellow flower. The picture has the words: Why World Bee Day?" at the top.

At Ambokili Farm, we deeply understand the essential role that bees and other pollinators play in maintaining the health of our planet and ensuring the sustainability of our agricultural practices. Every year, on May 20th, we join the global community in celebrating World Bee Day. This observance not only honors these incredible creatures but also […]

Bee Venom: Ambokili Farm’s Latest Milestone in Sustainable Biodiversity

A picture of the botanist evaluating beehives at Ambokili Farm. The picture illustrates the presence of bees at Ambokili Farm which is essential for the bee venom discussion as well as harvesting.

Honeybees are renowned for their golden nectar and their crucial role in pollination, but their sting also packs a surprising punch – medicinal one, that is. Another remarkable aspect of bees that’s been garnering attention. Here at Ambokili Farm, we recently welcomed a new buzzing contingent to our 7 hives and we’re not only interested […]

Birds of a Feather Flock Together at Kimana

Birds. A picture of the superb starling on a bird feeder at Ambokili Farm in Kimana, Kajiado County. The bird is perched on the bird feeder on one of the trees in Ambokili Farm.

As Ambokili Farm pursues its mission of restoring degraded land, one of the key focus areas is increasing biodiversity in the semi-arid land of Kimana, Kajiado County, Kenya. By embracing sustainable, organic agriculture, plant and wildlife conservation, Ambokili Farm not only cultivates crops but sustains life. Here, in this carefully curated ecosystem, the laughter of […]

Building with Nature: Sustainable Housing at Ambokili Farm through Bioclimatic Architecture

An employee at Ambokili Farm holding an interlocking block. The picture demonstrates Ambokili Farm's passive housing or bioclimatic architecture project.

With a mission to transform landscapes into thriving ecosystems while fostering community development, Ambokili Farm has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative in sustainable housing, embracing the principles of passive design and bioclimatic architecture. This approach not only reduces our environmental impact but also creates comfortable living spaces that work in harmony with the unique semi-arid […]

Can you Have Good Mental Health with Inadequate Food and Poor Nutrition

A picture of a male worker at Ambokili Farm inspecting a maize stalk in the field. It is a symbol of how food and nutrition contribute to good mental health.

As May dawns upon us, casting a spotlight on mental health awareness, we are compelled to ponder a fundamental question: Can one truly attain good mental health amidst inadequate food and poor nutrition? The answer, rooted in science and experience, resonates with clarity – the nourishment of the mind is inexorably entwined with the sustenance […]

How Can Not-for-Profits Better Involve Employees in their Mission?

A picture showing 3 ladies working in the field at Ambokili Farm. The third woman is bending down and invested in her work. The picture symbolises how Ambokili Farm is involving employees in its mission.

At Ambokili Farm, we know our impact hinges on a passionate and dedicated team. We fight for transformation of degraded land and community development every day, but true success comes when every member feels invested in the mission, not just as a job, but as a cause they believe in. Their passion, skills, and commitment […]

Employee well-being: Transforming Lives Inside Out

A picture of 2 women workers on Ambokili Farm smiling holding watering cans. It illustrates their happiness when working and demonstrates how Ambokili Farm is truly investing in Employee well-being

How does an organisation dedicated to making a difference ensure its own people are cared for? How is Ambokili Farm redefining workplace wellness and ensuring employees thrive alongside the communities they serve? At Ambokili Farm, nestled in a challenging semi-arid region, we’ve revolutionised the concept of employee well-being. Our holistic approach ensures that the welfare […]

Regenerative Agriculture: The Future of Farming

A picture of a farmer on Ambokili Farm. She is tending to the crops. The picture has the words- Regenerative agriculture is transforming Kimana, Kajiado.

Regenerative agriculture is an innovative farming approach aimed at enhancing and revitalising the ecosystem. It goes beyond merely reducing the impact of agriculture on the environment; it actively improves soil health, increases biodiversity, and supports the ecosystem. By focusing on soil health, regenerative agriculture can increase biodiversity, improve water cycles, and build resilient agricultural systems […]

Impact of Animal Agriculture on Climate Change

A picture on picture of 2 hooves of a domestic animal standing on wet brown soil. The background is degraded land with hoof prints all over. The picture is a symbolisation of the contribution of animal agriculture on climate change.

Animal agriculture is a significant driver of climate change, contributing notably to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, water and air pollution, and biodiversity loss. The sector is responsible for approximately 16.5% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, rivalling the emissions from all global transportation. This impact is mainly due to the methane produced by enteric fermentation […]