The dirty dozen 2024

The Dirty Truth: Are You Eating More Pesticides Than You Think?

Imagine taking a bite of a crisp, juicy apple, feeling good about your healthy choice. But what if I told you that apple might be laced with more than just vitamins? In fact, it could be carrying a cocktail of pesticides, some of which are linked to serious health issues. Surprised? I bet not!  

Let’s face it, navigating the grocery aisles can be overwhelming. Between deciphering cryptic labels and mountains of marketing claims, making informed choices about what you put in your shopping cart can feel like a high-stakes game. But what if I told you there’s a simple list that could significantly impact your health and the environment – all while potentially saving you money? 


Enter the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) infamous “Dirty Dozen.” This list, updated annually, identifies the twelve fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide residue levels. Now, some folks might scoff and say, “a little pesticide never hurt anyone.” But here’s the thing – we’re not talking about a sprinkle of harmless dust. These chemicals can accumulate in our bodies over time, potentially leading to a range of health concerns.  

The Dirty Dozen is a list compiled by the EWG, a non-profit organization focused on environmental health, that ranks the twelve fruits and vegetables most likely to contain pesticide residues. 

Now, we’re not here to fear-monger. After all, fruits and vegetables are a cornerstone of a healthy diet, organic or not. But as concerned citizens (and ones who enjoy a good tomato!), we believe in making informed choices.  

Welcome to the world of the Dirty Dozen—a list that could change the way you think about the fruits and vegetables you eat every day. 

What is the Dirty Dozen?

The Dirty Dozen is an annual list published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) that highlights the twelve fruits and vegetables found to have the highest levels of pesticide residues. These are everyday items you probably have in your kitchen right now—apples, strawberries, spinach, and more. The EWG compiles this list using data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), analyzing the pesticide residues on washed and peeled produce grown both in the USA and outside of the USA. 

In 2023, strawberries topped the list, with over 90% of samples showing pesticide contamination. Spinach came in second, with one sample containing residue from as many as 10 different pesticides. These findings are alarming, especially when you consider that many of these pesticides are linked to health issues such as hormone disruption, neurotoxicity, and even cancer. 

Why Should You Care About Pesticide Exposure?

Pesticides are chemicals designed to kill pests, but their impact doesn’t stop there. When consumed regularly, even in small amounts, these chemicals can accumulate in our bodies, leading to a range of health problems. Children are particularly vulnerable, as their developing bodies are more susceptible to the harmful effects of these toxins. 

The Dirty Dozen list is not just a scare tactic—it’s a wake-up call. By choosing organic options, especially for the items on this list, you can significantly reduce your pesticide intake. Studies have shown that people who switch to organic produce have lower levels of pesticides in their bodies, even after just a few days. 

You Do Not have to Worry About the Dirty Dozen with Ambokili Farm

At Ambokili Farm, we are committed to transforming semi-arid terrains into self-sustaining, biodiverse ecosystems through sustainable agriculture. We do so by maintaining organic integrity. Our farming practices prioritise the health of both the land and the people who consume our produce. We understand that the future of farming lies in going back to nature—eschewing harmful chemicals in favour of methods that work with the environment, not against it. 

Our approach is rooted in the belief that everyone deserves access to safe, healthy food. By cultivating crops without synthetic pesticides, we are not only protecting our ecosystem but also ensuring that our community can enjoy produce free from harmful residues. 

The Rise of Organic Farming: A Response to the Dirty Dozen

Organic farming has been steadily gaining ground around the world, over the years, driven by growing awareness of the chemicals used in conventional agriculture. The organic food market is expected to reach $103 billion by 2025, reflecting a global shift towards healthier and more sustainable eating habits. This shift is not just a trend; it’s a response to the increasing concerns about pesticide exposure, especially from produce listed in the Dirty Dozen. 

What Can You Do?

Awareness is the first step toward change. Now that you understand the risks associated with the Dirty Dozen, here’s what you can do: 

  1. Choose Organic: Whenever possible, opt for organic versions of the fruits and vegetables. This simple choice can drastically reduce your exposure to harmful pesticides. 
  2. Wash Your Produce Thoroughly: Even if you can’t buy organic, washing your produce can help remove some of the pesticide residues. Use a mixture of water and vinegar for a more effective cleanliness. 
  3. Support Sustainable Farms: By purchasing from farms like Ambokili FArm, you’re supporting a system that prioritises the health of people and the planet. Every dollar spent on organic produce is a vote for a cleaner, safer food system. 
  4. Educate Others: Share this knowledge with your friends and family. The more people are aware of the Dirty Dozen, the greater the demand for organic and sustainably grown produce. 

The Power of Informed Choices

The Dirty Dozen serves as a reminder that not all fruits and vegetables are created equal. While eating more produce is generally good for your health, being mindful of where and how it’s grown is equally important. At Ambokili Farm, we are proud to be part of the solution, offering produce that is as safe as it is nutritious. 

Will you continue to unknowingly consume pesticides, or will you take control of what you put on your plate? The power of informed choices cannot be overstated, and with knowledge comes the responsibility to act.  


Choose wisely. Choose organic. Choose Ambokili Farm. 

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