The Dirty Truth: Are You Eating More Pesticides Than You Think?

The dirty dozen 2024

Imagine taking a bite of a crisp, juicy apple, feeling good about your healthy choice. But what if I told you that apple might be laced with more than just vitamins? In fact, it could be carrying a cocktail of pesticides, some of which are linked to serious health issues. Surprised? I bet not! Let’s […]

Empowering Women in Agriculture: The Unseen Backbone of Rural Economies

Women in agriculture at Ambokili Farm practicing farming

Globally, women account for nearly 43% of the agricultural labour force. In some parts of the world, particularly in Africa and Asia, this figure is even higher. Despite their significant presence, these women often work in poor conditions. Unlike their male counterparts, they have less access to land, credit, agricultural inputs, education, and technology, making […]