Is It True That Organic Farming Uses More Land and is Bad for the Environment

An organic farm- Ambokili Farm which is answering the question- Is it true that organic farming uses more land and is more harmful to the environment?

Organic farming is often heralded as the gold standard for sustainable agriculture, but is it truly the environmental savior it’s made out to be? Critics argue that organic farming is inefficient, requires more land, and could even be worse for the environment than conventional farming. These claims have sparked heated debates in agricultural circles, leaving […]

10 Ways Farmers Are Saving Water in Dry Areas: Lessons from Ambokili Farm

A worker closing a tap at Ambokili farm. The picture is to symbolise the ways farmers are saving water in dry areas

Water is life, especially in agriculture. In regions like Kimana, where Ambokili Farm is located, water scarcity poses a significant challenge to farming. Yet, even in these arid and semi-arid areas, farmers are finding innovative ways to conserve this precious resource. At Ambokili Farm, we believe in empowering every farmer with knowledge and practical solutions […]

Can Organic Food Feed the Growing World Population?

Organically grown food at Ambokili Farm which insinuates- can organic food feed the growing world population?

As the global population continues to rise, the question of how to feed billions of people sustainably becomes increasingly urgent. According to the United Nations (UNDESA), the world’s population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, placing unprecedented pressure on global food systems. Amidst this challenge, organic farming has been lauded for its environmental […]