How can NGOs prioritise diversity and inclusion?

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It's not a trend, it's a way of life

How can we truly advocate for positive change if our own organisations don’t reflect the diversity of the communities we serve? Prioritising Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) isn’t just a box to tick – it’s a fundamental step towards achieving impactful, sustainable social change. Understanding Diversity and Inclusion Diversity and inclusion are often used interchangeably […]

What Role Do Non-profits Play in Promoting Social Justice?

Social justice, a foundational pillar for equitable and fair societies, hinges on the eradication of disparities and the empowerment of marginalised communities. The emergence of non-profit organisations has significantly supported the movement towards achieving social justice by addressing the multifaceted layers of inequality and injustice. But how exactly do non-profits contribute to the pursuit of […]