Exploring the Characteristics of Organic Farming: Realise the Power of Companion Planting

It’s not just about avoiding harmful chemicals; it’s about creating a harmonious ecosystem where plants, animals, and the environment thrive together. Organic Farming is a sustainable agricultural system that uses ecologically based pest controls and biological fertilisers derived largely from animal and plant wastes and nitrogen-fixing cover crops.  It’s a philosophy rooted in harmony with nature, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. At the […]

Companion Planting

COMPANION PLANTING In the heart of Ambokili Farm lies a profound understanding of nature’s intricate balance. Here, amidst the verdant fields and thriving crops, we embrace a practice as old as agriculture itself: companion planting. From our humble beginnings of cultivating a handful of plant varieties, we’ve undergone a remarkable transformation at Ambokili Farm. What […]

Cover Cropping

cover cropping. An example of a cover crop grass.

Cover Cropping At Ambokili, we’re passionate about nurturing land, not just crops. Our goal is to have a verdant tapestry woven across the Farm, not just during harvest, but throughout the year. Thus, we practice cover cropping. But what exactly is cover cropping, and why did Ambokili Farm consider as one of its agricultural endeavours? […]

No tillage

Soil health Conservation Through No Tillage Our decision to forgo traditional tillage practices stems from a deep-seated understanding of soil dynamics. Tilling disrupts the soil’s natural composition, leading to erosion, compaction, and loss of valuable nutrients. Moreover, it disturbs the intricate web of soil microorganisms essential for nutrient cycling and plant health. No-tillage, on the […]