10 Ways Farmers Are Saving Water in Dry Areas: Lessons from Ambokili Farm

A worker closing a tap at Ambokili farm. The picture is to symbolise the ways farmers are saving water in dry areas

Water is life, especially in agriculture. In regions like Kimana, where Ambokili Farm is located, water scarcity poses a significant challenge to farming. Yet, even in these arid and semi-arid areas, farmers are finding innovative ways to conserve this precious resource. At Ambokili Farm, we believe in empowering every farmer with knowledge and practical solutions […]

The Lifeline of ASAL Agriculture: Irrigation Systems

A picture of the drip irrigation system at Ambokili Farm

In arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) like Kimana, the success of agricultural activities heavily relies on effective irrigation systems due to unreliable rainfall. These systems play a crucial role in ensuring that crops receive the necessary water to grow, especially in regions where rainfall is scarce and unpredictable.

How a Weather Station is Changing the Game at Ambokili Farm

Weather station at Ambokili Farm

In the heart of Kimana, where the semi-arid landscape lives between the whims of the sun and the scarce rain, Ambokili Farm is taking a bold step towards a more sustainable future. Introducing our latest game-changer: a state-of-the-art weather station!

The Essential Role of Irrigation Systems in ASAL Areas: A Case for Ambokili Farm

A Photo by Ambokili Farm that shows women fetching water and explains the need for an irrigation system

In the harsh and unforgiving landscapes of arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs), water is a precious commodity. The success of agricultural ventures in these regions hinges on effective water management, and irrigation systems play a pivotal role in this. Without irrigation, farming in ASAL areas is nearly impossible, as the soil quickly dries out, and […]